THE LOVELIEST THING ON EARTH 295 I should like to produce the play again now that I am older and can better understand the subtleties of the part, the poetry, the beauty and the power of fascination of Dionysus All through the production Gilbert Murray lent me his aid I must sustain the note of steadiness and danger "Keep the God behind the child," convey the double meaning of this divine Being who takes on "the form of the things that die, and walks as a man " Mr Poel got very nervous over the production, for it was a new adventure for him To produce the effect of time standing still is essential, ominous, since in that time is wrought the destruction of Pentheus whom Dionysus compels to speak the thoughts that he puts into him My first attempt to put Greek drama on the stage was well received A well-known critic summed up his impressions thus "The play is nevertheless among those that send one away moved and exalted Its poetry, its high grandeur, its air of dealing through symbols with ultimate things, the whole mood of it, preserved in a perfect translation and not missed by the players, stir the spirit as it is seldom stirred in our theatre " Four years passed before another opportunity came In January 1912, Sir John Martin Harvey asked me to play "Jocasta" with him in "(Edipus Rex," at the Covent Garden Theatre Max Reinhardt was to produce the play and Gilbert Murray's translation was to be used Needless to say, Reinhardt's fame as a producer gave an added eagerness to my acceptance The cast was CEdipus, Martin Harvey, Green, Louis Calvert, Jocasta, Lillah We rehearsed the scene in the foyer of Covent Garden whilst the stage and audit- orium were used for rehearsing the crowd and chorus Jocasta inspires an actress, strong, dignified, no suppliant, great in authority, great in poise, but greatest m kindness and humanity, "to live as life may run, 3^> fear no fret were wisest near the sun" Mother-to^ is the heart of Jocasta's character, and the P^ of the tragedy the stroke of fate that makes her of her own son, a fate which, when she comes